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EMB ECOP Network - Informal Meet and Greet 2022

This first online event will bring together Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) who are based at EMB Member Organizations to meet, hear about EMB, and discuss ideas for the operation of the EMB ECOPs Network.

As a first activity for the EMB ECOPs Network, an informal online 'meet and greet' event will be held on Wednesday 30 March 2022, at 09:30-11:00 CEST.

During the event, ECOPs will:

  • Have an opportunity to meet each other
  • Find out who EMB are and what they do
  • Find out how they can engage with EMB
  • Find out what is being proposed for the EMB ECOP network
  • Propose ideas for activities for the EMB ECOP network



  • 09:30-09:40 - Welcome to the EMB ECOPs Network
  • 09:40-09:55 - Who is EMB, what do they do and how can I connect? (Presentation)
  • 09:55-10:25 - Meeting the other ECOPs (Networking)
  • 10:25-10:45 - What do we want from this network? (Discussion)
  • 10:45-10:55 - Reviewing proposed ideas (Discussion)
  • 10:55-11:00 - Closing and next steps


To register for this event, please use this link: 

The event will be held online via the Zoom platform and will be conducted in English.

If you are not able to attend the first event but would still like to be involved in the network, please contact Paula Kellett.

Event Date