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ECOP Wednesdays - Ocean Science Diplomacy

On Wednesday 3 August 2022, EMB hosted its 2nd ECOP Wednesday series event featuring Andrei Polejack who spoke about Ocean Science Diplomacy. The event was 1 hour long and took place from 12:00 - 13:00 CEST. 

In this edition of the ECOP Wednesdays event series, hosted by the EMB Young Ambassadors and the EMB Secretariat for the EMB ECOP network, Dr Andrei Polejack spoke about 'Ocean Science Diplomacy'.

Dr Andrei Polejack is a Research Assistant at the World Maritime University, but also a technical advisor at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Brazil. 

In his own words: 'Once upon a time, there was this biologist that loved all biothings, but mostly evolutionary ecology. He then took a role in the science branch of the Brazilian Government, where he became a policymaker on fostering polar and ocean sciences in Brazil. A new passion emerged and he then decided that it was time to learn more about this thing on science diplomacy in the ocean. An opportunity came by in far far away Sweden and he grabbed it now to turn himself into a social scientist. This PhD grail quest is being painful and some spells are being cast so he can become this mythic creature called transdisciplinar. So far, this is a tale of science and diplomacy in the ocean, sung by a few published papers. Wish him well and stay tuned for more adventures.'

This webinar was in the format of an interactive discussion so there are no slides or recordings available, however you can access Andrei's papers on Ocean Science Diplomacy here.

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