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Brown Bag Lunch n°5 on Offshore Groundwater

On Monday 13 June 2022, EMB hosted its 5th Brown Bag Lunch on the topic of Offshore freshened Groundwater: An unconventional water resource in coastal regions. This event included lunch, offered by EMB, followed by a presentation from Prof. Aaron Micallef, Senior Scientist at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre in Kiel, Germany, and ended with an interactive discussion.

Freshwater resources in coastal regions are under enormous stress due to population growth, pollution, climate change and political conflicts, and many coastal cities have already suffered extreme water shortages (e.g. Cape Town, Chennai, Sao Paolo, Shanghai). Offshore freshened groundwater (OFG) has been proposed as an alternative source of freshwater to relieve water scarcity, provide a buffer to increased demand during periods of intense drought, and mitigate the adverse effects of groundwater depletion and climate change. There is an urgent need to identify where OFG is located and in which volumes, delineate the most appropriate approaches to characterise OFG, identify the most cost-effective strategy to utilise this resource, and assess the environmental and legal challenges to sustainable OFG use. (Image credit: Aaron Micallef)

During this event Prof. Micallef outlined a roadmap to address these needs and transform Europe into a global leader in OFG utilisation.

The presentation was live-streamed and recorded. You can watch the presentation here, and the presentation slides can be found here.

Date: Monday 13 June 2022
Time: 13:00 - 13:30 CEST
Location: Scotland House Brussels, Robert Schuman Roundabout 6, Brussels

Event Date