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The Sea Change project launches “Our Ocean, Our Health” campaign

The Sea Change project invites you to take simple steps towards protecting our ocean by joining its new “Our Ocean, Our Health” campaign to raise awareness of the interconnectedness of ocean and human health. Sea Change is an EU Horizon 2020-funded project which aims to raise European citizens’ awareness of the intrinsic links between ocean and human health, and to empower us, as “Ocean Literate” citizens, to take direct and sustainable action towards a healthy ocean, healthy communities and ultimately a healthy planet. To start the campaign, Sea Change has launched a video highlighting the ocean’s contribution to the oxygen we breathe. Watch “Our Ocean Our Oxygen” on the Sea Change Vimeo channel. The “Our Ocean, Our Health” campaign emphasises the vital role of the ocean in making life on Earth possible, for example through climate regulation and food provision. Central to the campaign is the fact that human activity and our way of life is affecting the ocean’s health. Therefore, if we don’t take care of the ocean, we endanger our own survival. In addition to the video, the campaign web page contains a number of actions you can take to help protect the ocean. Sea Change encourages you to take action by pledging to make a “sea change” in your daily behaviour and sharing your commitment online using #OurOceanOurHealth. Even by making small changes in our activities, together we can achieve big results to tackle the marine issues of plastic debris, acidification, pollution and depletion of fish stocks. Read the press release for the campaign launch here.