Under the leadership of Heidrun Kopp (GEOMAR, Germany), and hosted by Francesco Chiocci (Univ. Rome-Sapienza, Italy), Chair and co-Chair of the Working Group respectively, at the kick-off meeting the group discussed the target audience of the future document and the main messages it should have. It will describe which marine geohazards may have the potential to impact on European coasts, providing examples of past relevant events, and will provide recommendations on how further research in this area may help to reduce the risk to the population and economy, and improve management decisions. As an outcome of the meeting, an agreed draft table of content with a roadmap with assigned responsibilities was developed. The Working Group will start the drafting of the document and will meet (online) regularly in the coming months. The delivery of the document is expected to be at the end of 2020.
The members of the Working Group are: Heidrun Kopp (GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany - Chair), Francesco Chiocci (University of Rome "Sapienza", Italy- Co-Chair), Christian Berndt (GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany), Namık Çağatay (İstanbul Technical University, Turkey), Teresa Ferreira (University of the Azores, Portugal), Juana Fortes (LNEC - National Laboratory for Civil Engineering, Portugal), Eulàlia Gràcia (ICM-CSIC - Institute of Marine Sciences, CSIC, Spain), Achim Kopf (MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, Germany), Mathilde Sørensen (University of Bergen, Norway), Nabil Sultan (Ifremer, France), Isobel Yeo (NOC – National Oceanography Centre, UK). The members cover a range of different expertise in the area of geohazards, including earthquakes, landslides, outgassing, and volcanos among others.
On the picture, participants of the EMB WG on marine geohazards and the Blue Economy in Rome, 10-11/02/2020, from top to bottom, left to right: Francesco Chiocci, Ángel Muñiz Piniella, Isobel Yeo, Nabil Sultan, Teresa Ferreira, Eulàlia Gràcia, Juana Fortes, Sheila Heymans.
More information about the Working Group can found here.