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EuroSea vision is a truly interdisciplinary ocean observing system that delivers the essential ocean information needed for the wellbeing, blue growth and sustainable management of the ocean. EuroSea will strengthen the European and Global Ocean Observing System (EOOS and GOOS) and support its partners. EuroSea will increase the technology readiness levels (TRL) of critical components of ocean observations systems and tools, and in particular the TRL of the integrated ocean observing system.

Project type:

EU H2020, Topic: BG-07-2019-2020 Call: H2020-BG-2018-2020


50 months (1 November 2019 – 31 December 2023)


€12.6 M


55 partners including international partners in Brazil and Canada


GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany


EMB role:

Task leader in WP 1 “Governance and coordination of ocean observing and forecasting systems”













Background and objectives

Although the Ocean is a fundamental part of the global system providing a wealth of resources, there are fundamental gaps in ocean observing and forecasting systems, limiting our capacity in Europe to sustainably manage the ocean and its resources. Ocean observing is “big science” and cannot be solved by individual nations; it is necessary to ensure high-level integration for coordinated observations of the ocean that can be sustained in the long term. EuroSea brings together key European actors of ocean observation and forecasting with key end users of ocean observations, responding to the Future of the Seas and Oceans Flagship Initiative. EuroSea will improve:

  • European and international coordination;
  • design of the observing system adapted to European needs;
  • in situ observing networks;
  • data delivery;
  • integration of remote and in-situ data; and forecasting capability.


EuroSea will work towards integrating individual observing elements to an integrated observing system, and will connect end-users with the operators of the observing system and information providers. EuroSea will demonstrate the utility of the European Ocean Observing System through three demonstration activities focused on operational services, ocean health and climate, where a dialogue between actors in the ocean observing system will guide the development of the services, including market replication and innovation supporting the development of the blue economy.

European Marine Board role:

EMB is leading the task on Foresight on Ocean Observation in Work Package 1, in collaboration with the partners EuroGOOS, IOC-UNESCO and GEOMAR. Building on previous and ongoing work in Europe and worldwide, this task assess the current capability for conducting foresight related to ocean observation and the crucial role that foresight plays as part of a regular, iterative cycle of a coordinated and societally-relevant ocean observing system.

This report captures the major foresight initiatives and documents relevant for European ocean observation and forecasting. It highlights more than 120 initiatives, strategies and roadmaps that contribute to foresight in ocean observation internationally, at European scale, and regionally at the sea basin scale. This publication is primarily aimed at readers interested in learning more about the international and European ocean observing and forecasting landscape.

This foresight workshop discussed the sustainability of the ocean observing and forecasting system, and aimed to gather key recommendations or considerations for possible future mechanisms to sustainably fund and coordinate ocean observation, prediction and information delivery in Europe.These informed the Framework of the European Ocean Observing System (EOOS), as part of the EuroSea project.


  • EuroSea kick-off meeting, 27-29 November 2019, Brussels, Belgium
  • EuroSea General Assembly, 18-22 January 2021, online
  • EuroSea General Assembly, 9-13 May 2022, Cádiz, Spain
  • EuroSea Final General Assembly and Symposium, 19-21 September 2023, Paris, France


Contact at European Marine Board Secretariat: Ángel Muñiz Piniella Email