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EMB Spring Plenary Meeting 2018 - Lisbon

Dates: 18-19 April 2018

Venue:  Lisbon, Portugal

Host: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)

Mark James and Jan-Stefan Fritz were re-elected for a further 2-year term on the ExCom, and Yves-Marie Paulet was elected as a new ExCom member, replacing Erland Moksness.

The publication of a new EMB Future Science Brief on marine graduate training was announced.

The next flagship publication in the Navigating the Future series, number 5 was discussed. Updates were also presented on ongoing working groups on biological ocean observations, marine ecosystem modelling, valuing marine ecosystems and on European Research Vessels, as well as ongoing EU-funded Project AtlantOS and the EOOS initiative.

The open session theme was valuing marine ecosystem services and featured the following presentations:

The role of non-natural capital in the co-production of marine ecosystem services, Sebastian Villasante

Shared and cultural values of marine systems: deliberative approaches to valuing and managing the sea, Jasper Kenter

Who cares? European attitudes towards marine and coastal environment, Cristina Pita

Marine ecosystems and services – EU perspectives, Jakub Wejchert

The evening lecture, given by Telmo Morato, was called “Leveraging deep-sea research in Europe: Opportunities and challenges under blue growth and global change scenarios”.