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Gilles Lericolais elected Chair of the European Marine Board

Dr. Gilles Lericolais, Director of the European and International Affairs of Ifremer in France has been elected as the new Chair of the European Marine Board. Dr Lericolais has represented Ifremer as a Marine Board delegate since 2012, and has served as EMB vice-Chair from 2013-2018. 

Dr Lericolais, who has a background in marine geology, is a Member of the French delegation at IOC-UNESCO and in charge of Group I discussions. He also represents Ifremer on several other international networks including JPI Oceans and ECORD (European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling), as well as serving on the Editorial Board of QUATERNAIRE journal. The election of Dr Lericolais at the EMB plenary meeting on 13 June in Paris has been warmly welcomed by the EMB members and partners across the European marine science community. In his address to the EMB members, Dr Lericolais committed to work to maintain and enhance the profile of EMB, and continue to provide impact in marine science in Europe and Internationally. Dr Lericolais replaces the outgoing EMB chair, Professor Dr Jan Mees, who served for five years. Professor Mees' contribution to the EMB during his tenure was highly commended by the EMB members, and the Secretariat expressed their appreciation of his hard work and dedication.