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EMB Young Ambassador Blog on Inspiring the Next Generation of Oceanographers

In her new blog, EMB Young Ambassador Dr Natalija Dunić talks about how she has been inspired to initiate a new oceanography outreach programme in her native Croatia.

In her new blog on Oceanographers on the island - young generations for a scientific future!, EMB Young Ambassador Natalija Dunić, a Postdoc at the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries in Split, Croatia, talks about a new outreach programme for both children and adults that she and her peers have established. She reflects on the importance of engaging with the public on Ocean topics, especially given the importance of the Adriatic Sea for Croatians. She outlines the various activities that have already been established and conducted, and not only on how much the public but also she herself gains from the experience.

You can read the full blog by Natalija here and find out more about the EMB Young Ambassador Programme here.