On 7 July 2017, the European Marine Board, in association with AMEMR (Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modelling Research), will organize the workshop: Shaping future research agendas in Marine Ecosystem Modelling in Plymouth, UK. This workshop will act is the kick off for our newest Working Group on Ecosystem Modelling. The working group will be chaired by Morten Skogen (IMR, Norway) and Sheila Heymans (SAMS, UK) will be the co-chair. More information as well as the registration option (open to all interested parties) is available on the conference website. The final output of the working group will be a new EMB policy brief foreseen to be launched in Spring 2018.
EMB Workshop on Marine Ecosystem Modelling
The workshop will focus on E2E Marine Ecosystem Modelling: Current capabilities and R&D needs for Ecosystem-Based Management.