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EMB Spring Plenary Meeting 2020 - Online

Dates: 27-28 May 2020

Venue: Online due to COVID-19 crisis

During the meeting, the members voted to accept a new Board member: Deltares from Netherlands. Elections for the Executive Community also took place. Carlos Garcia Soto (IEO, Spain) was re-elected for a second term, and Alan Evans (NOC, UK), Fiona Grant (MI, Ireland), and Katrin Schroeder (CNR, Italy) became new ExCom members.

The recent publication of two EMB publications was discussed: a Future Science Brief on Big Data in Marine Science and a Policy Brief on Next Generation European Research Vessels. The recent SOPHIE Strategic Research Agenda on Oceans and Human Health publication was presented, as was the newpublication of a joint EMB-SOPHIE Policy Brief on Policy Needs for Oceans and Human Health. Potential new EMB activities were also discussed, including one on Coastal Resilience.

Updates were also presented on the ongoing working group on marine geohazards and on the recently initiated activity on underwater noise, as well as the EU-funded Project SOPHIE which is finishing this month, and the International Ocean Governance and the coalition for Ocean Literacy projects.

As the meeting was not held in person, it was not possible to hold an open session.