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EMB Autumn Plenary Meeting 2017 - Galway

Dates: 18-19 October 2017

Venue:  Galway, Ireland

Host: Marine Institute (MI)

Incoming Executive Director Sheila Heymans, who replaces Niall McDonough, was introduced to the Board.

The latest EMB Policy Briefs on marine biotechnology and marine citizen science were presented to the Board. Two new EMB science activities were approved, on European Research Vessels and on Marine Geohazards.

The launch of activities for the next flagship publication in the Navigating the Future series, number 5 was discussed, as was the upcoming 6th EMB Forum. Updates were also presented on ongoing working groups on marine graduate training, biological ocean observations, marine ecosystem modelling, valuing marine ecosystems, as well as on the EOOS initiative.

The open session theme was wave energy and featured the following presentations:

Current state of wave energy, Oliver Wragg

The Irish wave energy projects and Marinet 2 project, Gerry Sutton

Environmental effects of ocean energy: state of science summary, Teresa Simas

Simulation of offshore renewable energy devices: an industry perspective, Aengus Connolly

The evening lecture, given by Poul Holm, was called “The North Atlantic Fish Revolution, c1500 AD – climate, ocean productivity, and catches of cod and herring”.