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EMB Autumn Plenary Meeting 2016 - Glasgow

Dates: 19-20 October 2016

Venue: Glasgow, UK

Host: Marine Alliance for Science and Technology Scotland (MASTS)

Gilles Lericolais was re-elected for a further 2-year term on the ExCom, and the formation of a Universities Consortium Panel (UCP) was approved.

The latest EMB contribution to the Sea Change Project, a set of fact sheets about oceans and human health, were presented. Proposal for new activities on sea-level rise and decommissioning of offshore structures were also approval.

Updates were presented on the ongoing Project Sea Change and on the EOOS initiative.

The open session theme was blue growth and featured the following presentations:

H2020 and beyond: Can Europe sustain marine ecosystems and drive Blue Growth at a North Atlantic scale?, Murray Roberts

Marine renewables and optimal ecologically sustainable planning for our oceans, Beth Scott

Decommissioning of offshore structures, Jan de Leeuw

H2020 and other activities, Marco Weydert

Blue growth and ocean observing, Iain Shepherd

SEACAMS – Reducing the risk for marine renewables industries through collaborative research, David Mills

Update on UNCLOS PrepCom on BBNJ, Alan Evans