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Building Coastal Resilience in Europe

European coasts face multiple, interacting and cumulative pressures including those resulting from increasing greenhouse gas emissions (e.g. sea-level rise, Ocean warming, Ocean acidification, extreme events) and localised activities such as fishing, aquaculture, waste disposal and coastal urbanisation. These create a unique set of context-specific issues that need to be addressed holistically using a systems approach, considering the dynamics between both coastal societies and ecosystems as part of interconnected social-ecological systems. EMB Position Paper No. 27 ‘Building Coastal Resilience in Europe’ presents key policy, scientific and community recommendations on how to build coastal resilience and enhance capacity to cope with impacts from climate change and other coastal pressures.

Blue Carbon: Challenges and opportunities to mitigate the climate and biodiversity crises

Blue Carbon ecosystems are a Nature-based Solution that can help mitigate the climate and biodiversity crises, while stabilising livelihoods, protecting coasts, and supporting other societal needs such as food security from the Ocean. EMB Policy Brief No. 11 describes different types and benefits of Blue Carbon ecosystems, and discusses uncertainties and challenges for the conservation and restoration of Blue Carbon ecosystems as a climate change solution. The document also highlights the wider role of the Ocean in mitigating climate change through the carbon cycle, and closes with key research and management recommendations.

Online launch of EMB Position Paper No. 27 'Building Coastal Resilience in Europe'

The online lauch for EMB's Position Paper No. 27 'Building Coastal Resilience in Europe' took place on Thursday 19 October. The webinar featured Dr. Sebastian Villasante who presented the key messages from the Position Paper, followed by a panel discussion with Ivan Conesa Alcolea (DG RTD) and Q&A with members of the working group.

ECOP Wednesdays November

On Wednesday, 8 November 2023, EMB and its Young Ambassadors hosted its 14th ECOP Wednesday series event featuring Marie Morgane, a PhD student at the University of Montpellier. Marie Morgane shared her experiences, engaging as a young and early-career marine researcher, mostly through the Global Youth Biodiversity Network, who represents young people in the United Convention on Biological Diversity. The talk was followed by an interactive Q&A discussion.  

ECOP Wednesdays - How to make EU politics understandable and accessible for young people

On Friday, 1 September 2023, EMB hosted its 13th ECOP Wednesday series event (exceptionally on a Friday) featuring Quentin Deschandelliers, who is a MEP (Member of European Parliament) assistant / lobbyist in Brussels. He talked about how to make EU politics understandable and accessible for young people. The talk will be followed by an interactive Q&A discussion. The event will be 1 hour long, from 16:00 - 17:00 CEST.  

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