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The European Marine Board Biennial Open Forum bridges the gap between the scientific community and policymakers and prepares a joint vision and recommendations to advance the issue at hand.

The European Marine Board Forum is one of our four principle approaches to bridging the gap between science and policy. The Fora act as a platform to bring together a wide range of marine science stakeholders (scientists, European and national policymakers, pan-European and regional networks etc.) to discuss and share knowledge, identify common priorities, develop common positions and collaborate.




9th EMB Forum

The 9th EMB Forum will be on the topic of 'Addressing coastal and water resilience at the land-sea interface'. It will take place on Wednesday 2 April 2025 at the Institute of Natural Science, Brussels and online.

Find out more about the 9th EMB Forum here.

Past Fora:


You can follow the conversation by using #EMBForum.