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Training the 21st Century Marine Professional

Today we launch our new Future Science Brief 2 on “Training the 21st Century Marine Professional” (pdf). This publication presents a vision for the future marine graduate education in Europe, to ensure that the marine professionals of tomorrow are ready for the challenges ahead.

The Ocean is a focus for economic development in Europe with the ‘blue’ economy representing roughly 5.4 million jobs and generates a gross added value of almost €500 billion a year (EC, Blue Growth communication, 2014). Further ‘Blue Growth’ of marine and maritime industries will require a skilled workforce of highly trained and multi-skilled graduates from a wide variety of marine and maritime professional backgrounds.

The EMB publication examines the current marine graduate education and training system, identifying issues, challenges and opportunities for improvement. It also explores the complex landscape of marine graduate training and education in Europe and highlights ways in which the current system could be modernized and adapted to the changing needs in science and society. Case studies are presented to illustrate good practice, alongside interviews with recent marine graduates who have themselves benefitted from innovative training opportunities. It then presents 6 key recommendations for development, encouraging the marine community, industry and research funders to work together towards a common vision.

The Future Science Brief can be downloaded here and the news release can be found here.