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STAGES Stakeholder Workshop

STAGES Logo thumb medium224 73Building a Science Policy Interface to support implementation of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive 

Joint Stakeholder Consultation Workshop, 12 February 2014, Brussels

One of the key tasks of the FP7 STAGES project is to develop a concrete proposal for a science policy interface (SPI) to support implementation of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) in the long-term. As part of this process, STAGES is conducting a stakeholder consultation to collect the views and needs of a broad range of MSFD stakeholders from science, industry, civil society, NGOs, and the national MSFD competent authorities and implementing agencies. An extensive on-line questionnaire survey has already been completed and STAGES is now organizing a Stakeholder Consultation Workshop. The workshop is planned as a joint activity with the FP7 DEVOTES project.



The Workshop took place at the Regus Centre in Brussels (Rue de Colonies 11) on 12 February 2014. The programme included a mix of presentations and discussions, including four topic-focused breakout groups. The discussions and views collected will be used to directly inform the development of a STAGES proposal for a durable long-term European SPI to support implementation of the MSFD. Download the programme here

stages ws feb 2014

Featured on the picture, from left to right: Jan van Tatenhove, University of Wageningen, Marisa Fernandes, Fundación CETMAR / STAGES Coordinator, Gert Verreet, OSPAR, and Kate Larkin, European Marine Board Secretariat


Kate Larkin, European Marine Board Secretariat: Email