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Sea Change holds its 1 year General Assembly (11-13 May, Athens)

After one year of activity, the Sea Change project held its first General Assembly meeting in Athens in May. The overarching goal of this project is to bring about a fundamental “Sea Change” in the way European citizens view their relationship with the sea, by empowering them – as ‘Ocean Literate’ citizens - to take direct and sustainable action towards healthy seas and ocean, healthy communities and ultimately - a healthy planet. In its first year of operation, the Sea Change partners have been busy with a number of Ocean Literacy activities and deliverables, including a series of reviews examining different facets of Ocean Literacy, such as public perception of marine environmental issues, how Ocean Literacy is currently embedded in education and in marine policy, and ways in which the public engage with Ocean Literacy. Other activities include educational workshops to assess existing barriers to incorporating Ocean Literacy topics in formal education and competitions to design Ocean Literacy-themed games as well as ideas on how to increase people’s awareness and appreciation of the ocean. Further information on Sea Change results to date and ongoing activities can be found on the Sea Change website. Picture features Sea Change project partners and members of the International Advisory Group.