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Navigating the Future V

Navigating the Future V (NFV) gives a birds-eye view of marine science. It looks into the future (2030 and beyond) to identify key topics/themes that are set to significantly advance our understanding of the marine and broader earth and climate systems, which will be of increasing importance to societal wellbeing in decades to come.


NFV was published on 11 June 2019 at the EurOCEAN 2019 conference.


Full document

Short factsheet for policymakers

Press release NFV launch

NFV infographics

Policy Brief

Video infographics and interviews providing perspectives on NFV are on the EMB YouTube channel

EMB Science Webinar on Cells of Ecosystem Functioning (September 2020)

EMB Science Webinar on Navigating the Future V as inspiration and direction for marine science in the Ocean Decade (August 2021)

Impact report on Navigating the Future V document (November 2021)




In November 2017, EMB began work on Navigating the Future V. NFV is an authoritative foresight report on European marine science aiming to provide robust, independent scientific advice and expert opinion on future seas and ocean research to 2030 and beyond.

Twenty leading European experts in the field of marine science and related disciplines were nominated by EMB Member Organizations to participate in the Navigating the Future V Foresight Workshop. Selection of the workshop participants was done by the EMB Chair and EMB Executive Secretariat, in consultation with the EMB Executive Committee based on expertize, gender and geographical balance. The workshop took place on 8 - 9 November 2017 at the Hotel Metropole in Brussels. After 2 days of intense discussion and negotiation, experts produced an agreed on a high-level Table of Contents for NFV.  You can find the press release for the workshop here.

Workshop participants were invited to join writing groups and authorship was sought from the wider networks of co-ordinating authors where expertise was missing. Writing groups for each chapter were established early in 2018.


NFV Chapters:

  1. Introduction
  2. A four-dimensional and connected ocean
  3. A multi-stressed and rapidly changing ocean
  4. Science of surprises
  5. Novel technologies, data and modelling for ocean research
  6. Sustainability science for the ocean
  7. New frontiers, gaps and recommendations

Co-ordinating authors: Anne Marie Treguier (CNRS, France), Catharina J.M. Philippart (NIOZ, The Netherlands), Ferdinando Boero (CoNISMa, Italy), Geir Huse (IMR, Norway), Jeremy Gault (University College Cork, Ireland), Ralph Schneider (KDM, Germany), Valerie Cummins (IMERC, Ireland).

Contributing authors: Carlos García Soto (IEO, Spain), David Paterson (MASTS, United Kingdom), Denis Lacroix (Ifremer, France), Francesca Malfatti (OGS, Italy), Gerald Schernewski (IOW, Germany), Gilles Boeuf (Sorbonne University, France), Heidrun Kopp (GEOMAR, Germany), Jan Marcin Węslawski (IO PAN, Poland), Jan Mees (VLIZ, Belgium), Kevin Horsburg (NOC, UK), Luís Menezes Pinheiro (University of Aveiro, Portugal), Marta Coll (ICM-CSIC, Spain), Martin Le Tissier (UCC, Ireland), Martin Visbeck (GEOMAR, Germany), Michiel Vandegehuchte (VLIZ, Belgium), Nele Matz-Lück (University of Kiel, Germany), Olivier Thébaud (Ifremer, France), Patrizio Mariani (DTU, Denmark), Sebastián Villasante (USC, Spain), Sukru Besiktepe (Dokuz Eylul University Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology, Turkey).

The European Marine Board Memeber Organizations nominated the following experts to participate at Navigating the Future V Foresight Workshop:

Sukru Besiktepe (Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey), Ferdinando Boero (CoNISMa, Italy), Valerie Cummins (IMERC, Ireland), Jan de Leeuw (NIOZ, The Netherlands), Carlos García Soto (IEO, Spain), Jeremy Gault (University College Cork, Ireland), Edward Hill (NOC, United Kingdom), Geir Huse (IMR, Norway), Colin Janssen (Ghent University, Belgium), Denis Lacroix (Ifremer, France), Francesca Malfatti (OGS, Italy), Jan Mees (FWO, Belgium), Luis Menezes Pinheiro (University of Aveiro, Portugal), David Paterson (MASTS, United Kingdom), Katja Philippart (NIOZ, The Netherlands), Ralph Schneider (KDM, Germany), Anne-Marie Tréguier (IUEM, France), Sybille Van den Hove (Bridging for Sustainability, Belgium), Jan Marcin Węslawski (IO PAN, Poland).