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EMB launches activity in end-to-end marine ecosystem modelling

Today, 7 July 2017, the European Marine Board launches a new activity on end-to-end marine ecosystem modelling with a horizon scanning workshop ‘Shaping Future Research Agendas’ at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory (Marine Matters Centre), United Kingdom.
Chaired by Morten Skogen (IMR, Norway) and Sheila Heymans (SAMS, U.K.), the workshop brings together international experts from 12 countries in marine ecosystem modelling for interactive discussions. Experts will identify Research and Development gaps and needs for increasing the capability of end-to-end marine ecosystem models and, crucially, increase their impact and uptake as a tool in marine ecosystem-based management and environmental policy.  The full agenda is available here and the workshop is facilitated by the EMB Secretariat. The workshop directly follows, and is in collaboration with, the AMEMR (Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modelling Research). Community-driven recommendations and key messages from the workshop, together with the latest state-in-the-art in end-to-end marine ecosystem modelling, will be developed into a EMB Policy Brief. This will be communicated to wider stakeholders, including research funders, marine managers and policy makers to increase awareness of opportunities for using marine ecosystem models as a tool in ecosystem based management and research and development requirements for next generation capabilities. This gap analysis will also contribute to the development of a more coordinated and comprehensive European Ocean Observing System (EOOS).