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6th EMB Forum on the Role of Marine Science

Today, over 150 participants from Europe and beyond gather in the Royal Flemish Academy for Science and the Arts in Brussels to attend the 6th EMB Forum - Implementing the UN 2030 Agenda: What role for marine science? Speakers and participants from a wide range of backgrounds and stakeholder groups will discuss the role that marine science does and should play in international ocean governance, and the ways in which science could help to improve the institutional frameworks.

Moderated by BBC Journalist Quentin Cooper, the programme will encourage all attendees to engage in this critical and timely debate. The full agenda can be seen here, and the speaker profiles can be found here. Following this Forum event, EMB will take forward the key messages, highlights and recommendations and publish these in a Forum Message. 

You can join the conversation by following us on twitter @EMarineBoard, and by using #EMBForum. More information on the Forum can be found here.